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A person smiling in front of European buildings

Cedarville University

French Riviera, France

Spring 2023

Molly Ball, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

WhAT was your favorite class while abroad, and why?
My favorite class I took when I studied abroad in France was an international business course. This course was one that I looked forward to attending weekly. The class was full of people from all over the world and so when talking about business in other countries outside the U.S., it was so amazing to get to hear first hand knowledge from people actually living in those places. I feel like I learned so much, not just from the teacher, but from all my peers giving their life experience.

HOW did you engage with the local community while abroad?
While abroad, one of my favorite ways to engage with the local community was to become "regulars" at various cafés. Taking time out of my day to pick a small café and just sit down and talk to strangers or observe always led to good conversation in the most unlikely of places. I also found that just spending lots of time outside or at the beach helped facilitate that local engagement while I studied abroad.


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