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Morgan Martinez, Program Director, Paris

Paris, France

Morgan is a project manager specializing in international, educational, and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) project management. Her career has allowed her to gain experience in a variety of different contexts (including in multiple education institutions, a start-up in the social and solidarity economy, and a major French corporation in the video game sector), as well as to work with clients and colleagues in France, Jordan, Sierra Leone, Morocco, Spain, Belgium, and Romania. She is excited to build upon these experiences and put her acquired skills to use in her role as Program Director in Paris, France.

Originally from North Carolina, Morgan first fell in love with France during an exchange program during her first year of high school. Since then, her love affair with the country has only grown stronger. After spending a year in Montpellier during her undergraduate years, she permanently moved to France in 2016. During this time, she has been fortunate enough to expand her worldview in ways she once thought impossible and now very much considers herself a global citizen.

On a more personal level, Morgan enjoys learning new languages (including Spanish and German!), traveling to new countries, reading (historical fiction is her favorite genre), and taking long walks in the forest with her partner and dog.

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